Hi! 👋
My name is Jeremiah, and I am a full stack developer
About Me
I am a recent Software Engineering graduate and QUT Deans Scholar Alumni. I love to design practical solutions to solve complex problems.
My Skills
I am proficient in Typescript, Java, and SQL with experience in Vue and React. I have also completed projects which use Docker, Terraform, Kubernetes, Python and C++. My interests lie within Fintech, Web Applications, Cloud Architectures.
My Experience
This section outlines my current educational and professional experience. If you would like elaboration, please request my CV under contact me.
November, 2021 - Present
Currently working at Freetrade as a Junior Software Engineer. Working within the Crypto and FX team where we are building services using Typescript and python hosted on Google Cloud with kubernetes cloud functions.
February, 2020 - October 2021
Experience building an internal web application in Java, SAP HANA, Vue and Quasar hosted on SAP Cloud Platform. Main highlights were migration from monolithic application to a service multitenant architecture.
February 2017 - November 2020
Completed a Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Computer and Software Systems Major) with first class honours. Main highlights were Vice Chancellor Scholarship recipient and QUT Deans Scholar recipient.
My Projects
These are my current open source projects and have been posted on my GitHub repository. If you would like further information about the projects which I have done with companies, please request my CV via the contact me button.
My Blogs
This section outlines some of the blog articles which I have written.

My Exchange Experience in Germany!

My first blog post detailing my time in Germany and my experience as an exchange student and intern at SAP

Monday, March 22nd 2021, 9:16:07 am
I love creating solutions to everyday problems.
Ready to take the next step and work together?
Let's have a chat
Good Design Doesn't Date. Bad Does.
Built with Gatsby. Jeremiah Dufourq 2021. MIT License.
If you would like to know how I built this website, clickhere